Our Wall of Fame

Over the years EFR has invited some of the world’s most prominent business and industry leaders to the campus of the Erasmus University Rotterdam. With numerous CEO’s and even Heads of State invited, the association hopes to add to the relevant conversations of the time in student life.
David Nabarro UN special advisor on the Sustainable Development Goals since 2016 Participated in the transform your world sustainability summit in 2016.

David Nabarro serves as Special Adviser of the Secretary-General on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Climate Change. He works with governments and other stakeholders to galvanize action on implementation of both the 2030 and climate action agendas. He also oversees the Secretary-General’s special initiatives.
Feike Sijbesma CEO of DSM 2007-2020 Participated in the transform your world sustainability summit in 2016.

Mr Sijbesma was CEO of Royal DSM and member of the Supervisory Board of Unilever and the Dutch Central Bank. He is also on the CEO Council of the Chinese Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and is co-chairman of the Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition convened by the World Bank.
Frans van Houten CEO of Philips 2011-2022 Participated in the transform your world sustainability summit in 2016.

Frans van Houten is passionate about business transformation and performance management and is a long-time champion of the company’s strategic approach to innovating sustainably. He lead Philips in its goal to make the world healthier and more sustainable and to achieve the company’s stated goal of improving three billion lives per year by 2025.
Wiebe Draijer Chairman of the Executive Board of Rabobank 2014-2022 Spoke at the World of Business congress in 2015.

Draijer was the Chairman of the Executive Board of Rabobank from 2014-2022. Before joining Rabobank Wiebe was the Chairman of the Social and Economic Council (SER). Before that he worked at McKinsey & Company in Amsterdam, lastly as Managing Partner.
Lilianne Ploumen Minister for Foreign Trade & Development Cooperation 2012-2017 Participated in the transform your world sustainability summit in 2016.

From 2001 to 2007 Ms Ploumen worked for the development organisation Cordaid. She was Chair of the Labour Party (PvdA) from October 2007 to January 2012. On 5 November 2012 Lilianne Ploumen was appointed Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation in the Rutte-Asscher government.
Marjan van Loon CEO of Shell Netherlands from 2016-2023 Participated in the transform your world sustainability summit in 2016.

Marjan studied Chemical Engineering at the Eindhoven University of Technology. After her studies she joined Shell in 1989 as a chemical engineer. Before becoming President Director of Shell Netherlands, she was Vice President LNG and Gas Processing.
Paul Polman CEO of Unilever since 2009-2019 Participated in the transform your world sustainability summit in 2016.

Under his leadership Unilever set out an ambition to decouple growth from its environmental footprint while increasing its positive social impact. Paul is Chairman of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, a member of The B-Team and the Business and Sustainable Development Commission. In 2016, he was asked to be a member of the SDG Advocacy Group.
Jeroen Dijsselbloem Former Minister of Finance Spoke at the World of Business congress in 2015.

Jeroen Dijsselbloem is a member of the Dutch Labour party. He was the Minister of Finance from 2012 until 2017. He was also the chairman of the Eurogroup. Before his ministry, he was a member of the Dutch house of representatives. He holds a degree in agricultural economics from Wageningen University.

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