
Portbase was founded in 2009 by Port of Rotterdam and Port of Amsterdam and has the broad support of the port business community. Our ambition is to make the logistics chains of the Dutch ports as attractive as possible through a one-stop shop. Portbase connects all parties in the logistics chains of the Dutch ports to this end. Via the Port Community System, Portbase facilitates data sharing between companies and information exchange with governments in order to work faster, more efficiently and at lower costs.

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Together with our growing community, Portbase is making data sharing increasingly valuable. With the aim of making the Dutch port community and thus the ports, the smartest in Europe. Portbase is neutral, of and for the port community and has no profit motive.

Our six basic principles:

Collaboration, data sharing and thinking about collective digitisation does not happen automatically. Trust plays an important role in the collaboration. When we were founded, we made agreements with a representation of our community. We drafted our principles based on those agreements. The six principles give direction to our organisation and the relationship with our community.

  • We know our role: Portbase exists to connect all parties in the Dutch ports through our platform and support the core processes of port logistics in order to strengthen the competitive position of the Dutch port. Nothing more, nothing less. We are aware of the trust and mandate given to us by the port community and we realise that a neutral position is key in this regard.
  • We set the course together: We always determine the strategic direction of our organisation in consultation with community representatives. Through working groups, customer panels and our advisory board, we ensure that we represent all interests and work together on wishes and priorities. This is how we shape the logistics of the future together.
  • We are not for profit: We are a not-for-profit organisation. We only charge money to cover our costs. Every euro that comes in through our services goes towards developing and operating those services. That is how we keep it clean and transparent.
  • We ensure simplicity and efficiency: Our Port Community System makes the exchange of logistics data as easy and efficient as possible for everyone. By processing data on a central platform, we avoid a patchwork of IT solutions and create a ‘single source of truth’ with industry standards. As a result, everyone works with exactly the same data which does not have to be entered twice. This is how we make people’s lives easier and our ports more efficient.
  • Your data is and remains yours: The data customers share through Portbase does not belong to us. In principle, their data in our Port Community System is there only to streamline core processes. For any other application, we first seek explicit permission from the data owner. We will therefore never sell or use datasets for commercial applications.
  • Sharing data is a means, creating value together is the goal: Sharing information is crucial for strengthening the position of Dutch ports, and is therefore in the interest of the entire port community. Shipping companies, terminals, transporters, shippers; we encourage all parties to share their data. Because when they come together, processes go more smoothly and money and energy are saved throughout the chain. Moreover, cooperation is the perfect breeding ground for optimisation and innovation.