About us

What is EFR and who makes it all possible?

About the Economic Faculty association Rotterdam

With over 7000 members, EFR is one of the most active and most professional study associations of the Netherlands. From academic events, to recruitment occasions and social gatherings; we bridge the gap between theory and practice.
Each year, we organise various activities and events for students of Erasmus School of Economics, as well as other students of the Erasmus University. Among other things, we offer the cheapest books, provide study support, and organise social events to help students feel at home in Rotterdam. We also help prepare you for the labour market, bring you in touch with your future employer, and enhance your student experience.

The people behind EFR

Meet the people that make it happen

EFR's Bodies

The EFR board is not on their own. Several bodies, existing of former board members help the board with long term strategic decision making and the relationship management with its alumni members.

Supervisory Board

The EFR supervisory board fulfills an important advisory role towards the board. They support the board in meeting the long term strategy and goals. The EFR board reports to the supervisory board every six weeks to discuss matters on a strategic level. The supervisory board consists of 10 former EFR fulltime members. The current members are Robert Nieuwenhuis (chairman), Rogier Hoogeveen, Evelien van Oostrom, Anna-Fien Botter, Vere Lammers, Pien Kuijer, Rozemarijn Bloem, Femke Ypma, Roos Lemmens van Splunder, Kinshuk Taneja

Alumni Board

The EFR alumni board is responsible for organising events for EFR alumni members. EFR alumni members include former board members and committee members. Their goal is to make sure you stay in touch with the valuable contacts you made during your time as a student. Members of the EFR alumni board are former board or committee members. Currently the board exists of Friso Oosten, Robert Nieuwenhuis, Narges Kobakiwal (secretary), Rosalie Boulan, Anna-Fien Botter, Marjolien Keijzer, Johan Nieuwenhujzen

Verification Committee

The verification committee supervises the treasurer of the current EFR board in all financial aspects of the association. The verification committee consists of four former board members and ensures a consistent financial administration and the financial stability. This is for now and for the future. They do so by checking the treasurer's bookkeeping every 4 weeks. Members of the verification committee are Arjan van Amerongen, Joris van Beek, Joppe Leerling, Hugo Speelman, Hidde Kroese, Guy Povel

Still not clear?

Founded in 1925 as Vereniging Voor Studentenbelangen

EFR has a longstanding relationship with the student life in Rotterdam. Over the years a large variety of events were organised. Click below to view a timeline containing the key events of EFR from 1925-2023.

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