January 17, 2024

US 2024 Election: Trump V Biden, Lawsuits & Trials

By Samvel Melikjanyan

In the realm of global politics, few events command as much attention and scrutiny as the United States presidential elections. The quadrennial spectacle of democracy unfolds with an intensity that reverberates across the globe, shaping policies, economies, and international relations. The significance of these elections extends far beyond American borders, holding the power to influence geopolitics and the global trajectory. In the throes of heated debates and impassioned discussions, the world watches with bated breath as the future leadership of the world’s most powerful nation hangs in the balance.

In this article, we delve into the heart of this momentous event, offering a comprehensive look into the latest developments surrounding the US election. At its core, this discourse navigates through the narratives, policies, and personas of two pivotal figures: Donald J. Trump and Joe Biden. As these competitors for the highest office in the nation battle for support and prominence, their ideologies, promises, and visions for America serve as the fulcrum upon which this historic election pivots.

Voting System

The roadmap to the White House begins long before the votes are cast, navigating through a system devised by the Founding Fathers, designed to reflect the will of the people.

The base of this process is the Electoral College, a complex mechanism rooted in the fabric of the American political landscape. As citizens across the nation go to the polls on election day, they aren’t directly voting for the president but instead casting their ballots for a slate of electors allocated to each state. These electors, equal to the number of senators and representatives a state possesses, assemble to formally elect the president. This indirect method of selection often draws debates, as it occasionally creates scenarios where a candidate secures the electoral college majority while losing the popular vote. The journey to the election lasts over months, characterized by primariescaucuses, and party conventions. Political parties engage in spirited battles within their ranks to nominate their candidate. Primary elections, held in various states, allow voters to directly influence the selection of delegates who will endorse the party’s nominee at the national convention. Contrarily, caucuses involve more communal gatherings, where voters openly declare their support for a candidate.

This political trip reaches its peak on Election Day, typically held in early November every four years. The citizenry exercises its right to vote, forming lengthy queues at polling stations, mailing absentee ballots, or participating in early voting, all to contribute to the important decision that is going to shape the nation’s destiny. Yet, the saga doesn’t culminate on Election Night. The process of counting votes, often extending across days or weeks, unfolds amidst anticipation and suspense. Battleground states become focal points, determining the outcome as candidates strive to attain the number of 270 electoral votes required to get elected.


Trump & Biden

For the upcoming 2024 elections, the stage is set for yet another momentous clash of ideologies and visions as the primary candidates, Donald J. Trump and Joe Biden, emerge as the standard-bearers for their respective parties.

Donald Trump represents the Republican Party, a figure whose contrary approach to governance has polarized opinions and redefined the contours of American politics. His brash rhetoric, populist stance, and “America First” policies have shocked a loyal base while stoking vigorous opposition.

On the opposite side of the political spectrum stands Joe Biden, the current, 46th, president of the US and former Vice President under Barack Obama, now carrying the torch for the Democratic Party. Biden champions a platform centered around unity, pragmatism, and a pledge to heal the divisions riddling the nation. His campaign is based on promises of healthcare reform, climate action, and a more inclusive America.

The ideological depth between the candidates shows the deep-rooted divisions within the American populace, expressing the broader narrative of liberal versus conservative values, progressivism versus traditionalism, and globalism versus nationalism. Their policies and proposed reforms serve as rallying points for their supporters, drawing contrasts in their approaches to healthcare, immigration, foreign policy, and the economy. Yet, the landscape of this election is not only defined by the personas of Trump and Biden. It is shaped by a multitude of factors—pandemic response, economic recovery, social justice movements, and climate change concerns—all converging to influence the electorate’s decision.


Trump Investigations

It has become viral that Donald Trump has been lately facing an array of legal entanglements, a confluence that is going to significantly impact the upcoming 2024 presidential election. This constellation of lawsuits and trials needs some clarification: what caused these legal actions and what precise allegations are they predicated upon?

Donald J. Trump has been sued in New York and indicted in Georgia, Florida, Manhattan and Washington, as federal and state prosecutors elsewhere have opened a number of investigations.

Those investigations have now led to Donald Trump being sued by the New York attorney general and indicated in four seperate cases: two brought by the special counsel Jack Smith, one by the Manhattan district attorney and the latest coming from local prosecutors in Georgia. The trials began in October, not with a criminal case, but with the civil action filed by the New York attorney general, Letitia James. The trial is the culmination of a four-year battle between the Trump family and the attorney general, who sued Donald Trump, his adult sons and their company, accusing them of fraudulently inflating the former president’s net worth by billions of dollars.

The Georgia case, filed on Aug. 14th, leveled the most extensive accusations yet against the former president, who was charged with orchestrating a “criminal enterprise” to reverse Georgia’s results in the 2020 election and subvert the will of voters. He was charged alongside 18 of his lawyers, advisers and supporters as part of a sweeping racketeering case. Four of his co-defendants, including three lawyers, have pleaded guilty. The case, brought by the Fulton County district attorney, Fani T. Willis, was the fourth and perhaps final indictment of Mr. Trump. The indictments began in March, when the district attorney, Alvin L. Bragg, filed 34 felony charges against Mr. Trump related to what prosecutors described as a hush-money scheme to cover up a potential lovemaking scandal and clear his path to the presidency in 2016.

The first federal case came in June as part of the special counsel’s investigation into Trump’s handling of classified documents and whether he obstructed the government’s efforts to recover them after he left office. In that case, Mr. Trump faces 40 criminal counts: 32 related to withholding national defense information, 5 related to concealing the possession of classified documents, 1 related to making false statements and 2 related to an effort to delete security camera footage at Mr. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate, where he stored the documents. On Aug 1st , the special counsel filed another case against him, this time stemming from an investigation into Mr. Trump’s efforts to reverse his defeat in the 2020 election.



On the 19th of December Donald Trump has been removed from 2024 state’s ballot by Colorado Supreme Court, ruling that he isn’t an eligible presidential candidate because of the 14th Amendment’s “insurrectionist ban.”

According to the section 3 of 14th amendment, – No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

However, it is claimed that the wording of the amendment is vague and has only been applied twice as of 1919.

Overall, the choices made by American voters resonate far beyond national borders. The outcome of this election holds the power to redefine America’s role on the global stage, recalibrate international relations, and shape the course of critical issues like climate change and global security.

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