Bachelor Inhouse Days committee

Organise the EFR Bachelor Inhouse Days

Applications are open!

Dutch not required
The EFR Bachelor Inhouse Days aim to support bachelor 2 and 3 students while they are orienting themselves with regards to the various masters available at Erasmus School of Economics.
This event consists of three different master orientation days and provides students with the opportunity to explore the career prospects of the different industries. Last year, we organized the Finance Day, Port Day and FMCG Day. But there is always room to expand this!
As a member of the Bachelor Inhouse Days committee, you will be responsible for contacting companies, speakers, and the content of EFR Bachelor Inhouse Days. We are looking for students with excellent communication skills, an interest in organizing and who are enthusiastic about exploring different fields of business!

Apply now for the Master Career Week

Click here!