Involve Consultancy Committee

Organise the Involve consultancy research project

Applications are open!

Dutch not required

The EFR Involve consultancy project gives the chance to a group of about twenty students, including the committee, to apply their academic knowledge in practice and make a sustainable impact on communities that need it the most by performing research on campus and abroad. This is done in partnership with an NGO or social enterprise that will guide and assist you in setting up the research.

The committee is responsible for searching for a partner, drafting the research, recruiting the student researchers, arranging the trip abroad and participating in the desk and field research itself. The research consists of three months of desk research (April-June) and three weeks of field research abroad (July/August). The previous editions have been to Kenya, Uganda, Indonesia, Nepal and Peru.

Needless to say that the Involve consultancy committee is one of EFR’s most challenging yet rewarding committees. It is open for ambitious third-year and master students.

Apply now for the Master Career Week

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