Simon Maas

Hello everyone my name is Simon Maas and I am the career officer of the 61th EFR board. Next to my board activities I like doing a variety of sports, I often go running with friends or play a game of tennis. This year I will also finish my bachelor in Economics and Business Economics.

I joined EFR in 2021, when I joined the ski trip committee. After that I did 2 more committees where the absolute highlight was organising an election debate in the aula of Erasmus University Rotterdam.

This year as career officer my main responsibility is supervising the full time Erasmus Recruitment Board. Next to the organisation of this event, I also supervise the Bachelor inhouse days committee where bachelor 3 students can orientate in which they want to work in the future, by going in-house at three leading companies within each sector.

This promises to be a year of tremendous growth and development and I am really looking forward to experience all the highs and lows with my board members and all EFR members. If you have any questions about doing a board year feel free to reach out and we can drink a cup of coffee together!

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Simon Maas

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