Pim Zuiderduin

Hi everyone!

My name is Pim Zuiderduin, 22 years old, and I am the Career Officer of the 60th EFR board. This summer I finished the International Bachelor in Economics and Business Economics. Besides studying I like to play football at Antibarbari, hang out with friends and doing multiple extracurricular activities at EFR.

My time at EFR started with the Activities Committee where I learned to organize large events and welcome interesting speakers to campus! After studying abroad in Barcelona, I came back at EFR to join the Commercial Team, where I learned to negotiate and contact a lot of interesting companies. By being part of these committees, I learned so much and got to know so many people who I am lucky enough to call my friends now that I decided to apply for a full-time board year.

As career Officer, my main responsibility this year is to supervise the full-time Erasmus Recruitment board and make sure that the platform remains the best way to find your next job all-year-round! Besides the online platform the Erasmus Recruitment Days is the best way to meet all companies on campus, at the biggest on-campus recruitment event in Europe! I also supervise the Master Orientation Days committee, where bachelor 3 students can orientate in which sector they want to work in the future, by going in-house at three leading companies within each sector.

I would love to meet you at our office, or at one of our many events, to tell you more about me and EFR in general! Hope to see you soon!

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Pim Zuiderduin


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